Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tumbling Surprises + Video

Today was the day I marked off to sit around and tumble some clad to get rolled up. I had $20+ sitting around that needed to be sorted, and then tumbled. And being as such, I figured I'd video tape the event and add to the plethora of tumbling videos already on the 'net.

After all was said and done, I came across 2 BICEN Quarters I didn't know I had, as well as 3 '65 Quarters and 2 '65 Dimes. So close to silver... yet so very, very far away. No silver eggs this time around.

I had to edit out 2:30 out of the video to make the time length requirement for YouTube, so it ends rather abruptly. Enjoy the video! Any questions please comment!

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