Saturday, August 29, 2009

52nd St.

Today was a great day, it really was. Friday afternoon Ash had been talking with my sister-in-law Maria about getting together for the beach. Perfect idea IMO.

Anyhow, we got ready and met up at my brother's dad's timeshare condo type thing just off the beach on 52nd St. in Virginia Beach. Parked halfway on the walkway back to some other residents, but there was no place else. Walked over to the beach, setup, and off Taylor and Coral went, they had a blast. I got in the water a few times, it felt nice. Super strong underwater current though, while on the surface it seemed alright. I even took Ash's McTavish surf board out and got my ass handed to me by the current... within 5 mins I swear I was a quarter mile down the beach.

Oh, and ECSC was going on, along with Danny fueling the waves, surfers everywhere!

Enough talking, enjoy the pics!

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