Saturday, October 11, 2008

Middle Bay Port, Again

Well this will be the last time I post here regarding our stay, unless something really cool happens. Usually, everyday here in the late morning, early afternoon something is going on that I try and get pics of. Today, the Olympic Triton Deep Ocean ROV Support vessel next to us, was picking up these huge red nutsack looking things. Turns our they were full of water, and the process is used to weight calibrate the crane. Other than that, it was a really boring day.

Large spool of cable/pipe (?) being wound on to the Olympic Triton.

Crane calibration bags.

Our AB's (Gehr and Stig).

Tug pushing some barges.

Close up focus shot of one of the new engine parts.

People fishing around the Ocean Scout again.

The Moon.

Neat bug I found up at the bow.

Birds up on light pole.

Gull or Tern looking thing.

Pelican shot #1.

Pelican shot #2.

Pelican shot #3.

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