Wednesday, July 16, 2008

From The Archive: 7-16-08

On this late afternoon, I thought to myself, "Enough with the playgrounds, I'm gonna dig some dirt!"

So I started along the fence line of Tallwood Elementary, closest to the apartments. Not much going on there but a whole bunch of trash. Lots of odds and ends, nothing exciting.

After about ten or so digs I finally got a rather large, strong signal. Turned out to be a metal sign about 4" down. It was from Hampton Roads Sanitation, and had a rather ironic message on it... "Before Excavating In This Area - Contact HRSD"

Too funny.

Dirt fishing got old really quick and before I left I decided to hit up the tot lot just to brighten my day, of which it did. Left with $1.47 in clad.

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