A message from the founder of Clad for Kids, Brian Duvall:
"Okay folks... First, I have to tell you how proud I am to be amongst the many great people in the Metal Detecting Hobby!!! What started out as just an idea that I had no idea if it would work or not, has grown into something very very special! It all started with a little girl in Kindergarten that stole my heart and made me want to do something... We helped her last year and made her little life much easier for the remainder of the school year, and gave her parents a chance to recover and get on their feet again. The generosity that you folks have shown by giving money to someone you have never met for someone you don't know is amazing! I am humbled by the fact that you folks think enough of me to entrust your hard earned money so that we can help these kids have a glimpse of a better life. So, from the bottom of my heart...Thank you.
I will be giving updates on the families that we are helping and will show pictures of the gifts and such when we get them. My hope is that you feel the same sense of pride come Christmas morning that I have...and know, you made a difference today!
Now for the moment we have all been waiting for.......The grand total for the 2010 Clad for Kids campaign is...."
I'd also like to thank many of my readers, as well as my hobby peers over at FMDF and T'Net for their generosity is nearly tripling last years total and doing their part to help these families have a wonderful holiday.
And be sure to check back for updates shortly after the holiday season.
Thank you personally from me, Jimmy here at JimmysMDBlog.com!
Also, Brian has hooked up with my good friend Bill Grey of greyareagraphics.com in Florida and has designed a decal from my C4K logo above and as a donator, you are entitled to one... these will be sent via posted mail. Brian plans on making a thread on FMDF to gather addresses for those he may not have.
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