It's that time of the year folks. The time when families come together and be thankful for each other and what they have. The time when gift giving is as much a part of the season as the warmth of an open fire.
Unfortunately, there are those out there, that due to a single, or combination or circumstances, cannot provide for the ones they care about and will most likely awake to understanding, yet disappointed faces come Christmas morning.
In 2009, a hobby peer of ours sparked a wonderful movement to turn that despair into joyous smiles and endearing embraces for a number of families in his rural Ohio community.
With a great personal effort, and with the help of fellow hobbyists like yourselves, he was able to raise over $600 and provide new clothing, toys and gas cards to a handful of needy families.
Please join Jimmy's MD Blog in donating all, or a portion of your 2010 clad finds to the 2010 Clad for Kids charity, hosted by Brian Duvall.
Click the button below or the one in the sidebar to donate. You can also contact me for mailing information if you do not wish to use PayPal to send your donation.
And here are a few pics of items purchased from last year's donations :)

Jimmy, Thanks for adding this link to what I hope will be an even better year for Clad for Kids. 100% of the donations go towards buying and wrapping gifts for needy children that my wife and I teach. Last year was amazing! We were able to help out 4 families that would otherwise not had a Christmas. Our Clad collection was able to provide new shoes, coats, and 7 outfits for each of the kids. I added a "Wish Gift" for each of the kids too...What's Christmas without at least one toy??? The look on their faces when they returned to school in new clothes was amazing. For some, it was the first time that they were able to fit in without being the scruffy kid. I don't judge the parent's situation...Many of us have fallen on hard times. This is about the kids and making sure their needs are met! All gifts are non-refundable and no cash is given. It's all about necessities. The parents are very humbled and were somewhat embarrassed to have to accept this help, but it is our chance to make life a little easier for these kids that have no control over their poverty. Join us this year to make a difference in a little person's life. All sizes of donations will be a great help! I will provide Jimmy with my mailing address for those who choose not to use PayPal. Bless you all and Merry Christmas!
Hey folks!
I just wanted you all to know that in the first 2 days we have raised $703.68 !!!! We have already surpassed last year's total! This is going to be something special this year. Thank you to all who have donated and I hope you get a warm feeling on Christmas morning knowing you made a difference in a little person's life! Keep up the good work!
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