Translated Text
"'In recent years they have been invaded by dozens of ancient tombs and forts, has become involved in and our republic. Most often, looters take interesting decorations, medieval coins, and those things which in their opinion less valuable - they throw. It implements, household some things. And the worst - broken statue. Lose information that could pull out.'- said the deputy director of the main activities of Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve of Udmurtia, Idnakar Andrew Kirillov.
They usually have diggers 'in service' excellent metal detectors that can see the precious metals in the soil to a depth of a meter. Does not care about history, looters take out all the values of the most barbaric ways. There were cases and digging shovels. In this case, none of the perpetrators not only delay, but to punish so far failed."
Read original article in Russian HERE.
Translated article available HERE.
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