Last day in DC :( We were up and ready to leave around 9am or so. It had really rained a lot overnight, and had continued into the morning. But we had places to be.
Our last place we wanted to visit in DC was the Arlington National Cemetery. Because of the rain, there were not very many people visiting today. Lots of bus tours, but not cars. We parked, and prepared to get soaked.
As we walked through the visitor center, it seemed like it wouldn't be too bad. Sure it was raining, but it wasn't coming down hard. On our way headed towards the Kennedy Eternal Flame, we passed a couple who were just drenched head to toe. Didn't look promising.
We made it to the flame, where a guard cautioned us of the slickness of the marble. All the stairs and area surrounding the flame are made of it, and it really was slick, like you could skate on it. I didn't know that JFK was not the only Kennedy there, as there were others of the family marked. Down the hill was even a small plot marked off for another member of the family.
The rain was really starting to come down, and without proper jackets, or an umbrella we really started to get wet. The Tomb was a good quarter mile away, in the back of the cemetery. We arrived to the Tomb's amphitheater, and walked around the other side were only a handful of people in ponchos were huddles around watching the Sentinel march back and forth, perfectly timed. It must really suck for them in inclement weather. I snapped a few pics with my iPhone and then we started back towards the car.
We changed to some dry clothes in the parking lot... well at least some pants and socks. Because of the jackets at least our tops were relatively dry. On the way out we noticed a gathering of soldiers, some on white horses up on the hill. There appeared to be a burial starting. I threw on my 200mm lens to snap a few pics.
Next stop, Baltimore! It's only really a half hour drive, if that along RT 295. Coming into the city we drove passed Camden Yards and M&T Bank Stadium. On further we crossed a very colorful bridge as we neared our final destination for the trip, Charm City Cakes. This is the place run by Duff Goldman, and where the hit Food Network show, Ace of Cakes is filmed. Ash and I watch it all the time, and it was only fitting to stop by and get a pic at the place. Still raining, we loaded up and back to Virginia Beach we went, vacation over.
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