After my long day, yet fruitful day in obtaining a new hopefully site, I hopped online looking for old churches in the area. One I found, was very close, within walking distance. Around 9pm tonight I decided to make my move. It has been around since about 1888. The actual church has since relocated down the street, but they still use the property as a learning center, and the entire rear portion is a rather old cemetery. I stayed in the front of the church, and the side with the makeshift parking lot. And even then I felt kind of uneasy about being there with the graves in the back.
(You can see in the image above, the yellow tinted area is cemetery, I hunted the red tinted area.)
Anyhow, as old as the church is, and it's pretty much the same brick building it's been for quite some time, I figured I had to find something old here. Maybe a Merc, or a SLQ... something. Yeah that's a negative. I did find a pretty good shape '51 wheat, but everything else was modern.
I also found a lock, a Nokia 2610 cell phone, a screw on antenna to another cell phone, the rustiest washer I've ever found, and 2 tabs. All of that was the trash... I managed $1.65 in clad as well.
Not bad for another hour long night cap.
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