Last night was a good time. Simple as that. Myself and a few guys from the boat got a free trip out to the mall area in Mobile. First stop, Wal*Mart, hehe. I picked up a couple movies for the boat (the new Indiana Jones and The Love Guru). After that, got dropped off at BestBuy, didn't buy anything there. Walked over to Barnes & Noble and picked up one of the James Rollins books I haven't read, Black Order I think is what it was. I also picked up the coin bible, widely known as The Red Book (I'm pictured with it above). Great reference book for those of us who like to metal detect and can't figure out what old coin we just freed from the ground.
After that we met back up with the guys over at Baumhower's Wings for some good grub and refreshments. We had a great time talking, eating, etc. I completely enjoyed it, plus I mean, there was sports and good lookin' women around... what's not to like?
Back to the boat we went. After 50 oz. of Oktoberfest, and the reading of The Red Book, off to sleep city I went. And sheesh, it wasn't even 10pm yet, hehe.
Around here today in port, not much happened. I did catch a glimpse of the Bernardo Quintana cargo ship whose home port is in Bermuda. There was too much stuff in the way to get a nice pic of it, but if you're THAT interested, just Google it.
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