I had high hopes for today, really I did. Did my normal 5am wakeup, freshened up and headed upstairs to get my PPE on. I stopped at my PC to check on my payslip... and was happy to see it had updated. It was a good payday, but still no gain-share or other bonus from our previous job... was kind of disappointed in that. This is also October, and it had been said that there would be a company wide pay raise... and there was,
if you qualified. I won't get into the specifics, but I didn't qualify :(
Anyhow, so I was bummed on that account, but got dressed and went and manned my post up on deck. It was really windy out, and a little cool. But my two hours flew by as usual and back down below I went. I ate my breakfast, caught up briefly on some news, and took a
hot shower. I bold that because since I've been out here in Alabama... I've only had two hot water showers. All the rest have been cold :(
And the last thing, PPE. I always wear my PPE in areas I should and when on watch. Hell, here in port it really is safe to have it on whenever your outside because of all the activity and potential hazards... and I do that. But PPE on just to have it on, ALL THE TIME? Kind of sucks, but I'm over it and really, no big deal. I feel more important with it on anyway.
I did have a chance to get out along the pier for more pics... enjoy.
Save the drama for yo mama, AHAHAHAHAHA!
Gehr watching the FRB trials.
Ian relaxing and staying out of the sun on watch.
Jan Erik.
John Savoie.
The BJ Challenger, Deepwater Stimulation Vessel.
Southern Star 1
Crane ball and hook.
Jan Erik and Martin on the FRB.
FRB coming back home.
Our SLB VSAT dome.
Toisa Crest with the Ocean Odyssey behind her.
Toisa Crest from the front, after turning around.
Toisa Crest bowline.
Land outcropping.
Pelican flying in front of the TC.
Pelican chillin'.
Pelican mean muggin', almost looks like that red/white diving sign.
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