I was thinking today, that I want to build my foreign coin collection. I could care less about US coins other than what I find, but would love to extend my foreign coin hoard out further.
I'm looking for people who would unload low denomination foreign currency for the price of shipping or US equivalent in price.
I have a few Euro coins, not sure from what country, Norwegian Krone, Iraqi Fils, Canadian, Malaysian, Singapore and a few from Japan.
But I'll take anything!
I'm looking for decimal AU (or pre-decimal if you're willing), Philippines, German Marks, Polish Zlotsky (sp?), Mexican pesos, Venezuelan coins....
Just to name a few, but if you're willing to ship off others I'd take 'em.
I'm only looking at paying shipping + US equivalent, nothing more. Not looking for collectible pieces, just low denomination everyday coins similar to Pennies, Nickels Dimes and Quarters in the US.
Just contact me with info!