Unfortunately, I lost in straight sets 13-21 and 9-21.
But anyhow, Ronnie from the Philippines will be taking on the Noggie in the finals.
I want to share with you all a letter I recently wrote to White's Electronics. The kind people there not only took the time to read it, but they felt generous enough to offer a reply that included a $100 Accessories Gift Certificate. The people at White's truly live up to the reputation their products have thrust upon them. WTG White's, hat's off!
From: James Lambert [mailto:jimmymlamb@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 8:48 PM
To: sales@whiteselectronics.com
Subject: Praise, and I don't even own a White's!
To the folks at White's,
Good evening to you all. As a relative newcomer to the realm of metal detecting, I am humbled by everything I have read and heard about your great products. I started off a few years ago with a Garrett ACE 250, not knowing much about the hobby, or my first purchase. It wasn't until recent months that I actually got into using it. I started to get pretty decent at pulling things from the ground and decided it was time to upgrade a bit. During my search for a new detector, all I kept reading was White's this, and White's that. Most of my friends from an online metal detecting community use White's detectors, whether it be MXT, DFX's, BHID 300's or even the newer Dual Field PI. However I chose not to go the route of White's, as most of those models previously mentioned were a little out of my league. I decided to go with Minelab, getting a model in their X-Terra line, and have been very happy since then. My land hunting has made it to new heights and my recovery speed has drastically increased. I'm a firm believer in Minelab, or so I keep telling myself.
I work offshore as a contractor for various oil companies, so I'm away from home (Virginia Beach, VA) for weeks at a time. In all of this "free" time I spend quite some time reading online discussions about finds, and try and learn new techniques to better improve myself. However, this time out it's been a bit different. I've come to terms with myself, and I believe I am in the market for a beach machine. My first thought was, "Ohh man, I know Minelab has that new Excalibur II out." I knew a couple people who use it, and with great success, but there was one issue holding me back... the near $1200 price tag.
So I started my research. There was actually some negative stuff out there about the Excalibur II, but not in the sense you might think. Yeah it was a great machine, no mechanical problems, went deep and all that jazz. But most of the reviews said there was something far better... White's new BHID 300! I thought to myself, "Really, the BHID is reporting better than the Minelab?" Not only is it reportedly deeper and can discriminate, but it's made in American and the price is a few hundred dollars less!
As it turns out I now know nearly 10 people who have bought the new BHID 300 in recent months, and none could be more happy. Granted, most of them have been die-hard White's fans from the beginning. I cannot express enough how much greatness I have both read, and heard from my peers, with regards to the BHID 300. It makes me second guess my devotion to our Aussie brethren and seriously consider picking up a White's.
Living in Virginia Beach, VA, I feel somewhat ashamed I don't own a metal detector designed for the conditions one would search in at the beach. But then, I don't go the beach often, must be that nagging hatred of the sand I have come to live with since returning from Iraq in 2004. I have taken my two current machines there, and they preform in the dry sand, but I'm really itching to find something great in the waves, and the White's BHID 300 just may be the ticket.
I recently ordered your print catalog and cannot wait to get back on land to flips through it's pages. Most likely I'll be at the point where it's not if I want a White's, it will be which White's do I need to choose!
Thank you for your time in reading this. It is more my pleasure to sit here and type it, as i know it falls on the ears of the maker's of an American made product that truly deserves the praise.
James M Lambert
Currently out in the ZFZ, Gulf of Mexico
Here now is the reply from one Cari Brewer at White's.
From: Cari Brewer