Monday, August 4, 2008

From The Archive: Back From Texas 8-4-08

I only really hunted for maybe an hour on two separate days. The 100+ temps were brutal while I was down there. I hunted mostly the front yard of my parents 1930s farmhouse, and to tell you the truth, I was rather disappointed. I almost felt like I was hunting wet sand. I had to set the sensitivity wayyy down and the entire yard seemed to be hitting every swing. I found tons of iron items, like nails, an old trowel shaped tool, a few license plates (wierd). A handful of 30-06 casings, along with some slag. I only found 2, yes TWO pieces of clad. A 1970 penny and a 1989 dime.

The only really two things I found worth keeping in my stash were a bent pin that either says Lucky or Luciky, and a 1991 Bacchus token from Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

Otherwise I just managed to swing around aimlessly with my X-Terra 30. I checked the places you'd expect to check an old house for... near the front steps, within a few feet of the house in the back yard, and even the nice big shady tree in the front. There just wasn't much to give up I guess. I was really hoping for at least a wheat penny if nothing better.

Oh, and when i was digging up the license plates, I think they were covering up a hole in my parents water well. Because when I got the last one out, I heard what sound like dirt falling into water, and sure enough... that's what it was. I know the front portion of their house is sinking, and is no lower than the rest of the house... hmm...

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