Saturday, December 26, 2009

Brigadoon Pines

Well I was able to get out again today. It was super wet, but not cold. I hunted a neighborhood park at Lynnhaven and Albright, Brigadoon Pines. I've driven past it so many times and never got out to swing the coil.

I parked, and when I got out, a good omen, a Zincoln on the pavement at my feet. I snapped a few pics of the place and then got moving.

Kids were on the equipment so I ran the coil around the grassy areas. It was super soggy and just not great conditions for digging. I did manage 16 coins @ $1.51, so it was an acceptable day. I had planned on hitting up two open lots along Lynhhaven after but the rain was coming and I figure I'll try and hit it before the 1st as long as weather permits.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Jingle Hunt, Last of the Year?

I stayed home pretty much all day by myself. Just didn't feel well in general and so I lounged around horizontally in bed. I did get the itch to get out and do some hunting around my apartments, so I geared up. I was really wanting to load up Clive's Ring Enhancement Program from his book, but sadly, with the move so close, the book is packed up and inaccessible.

So I headed out and decided to use the stock Coin/Jewelry program. Only stuck it out for an hour or so, and managed $1.85 over 32 coins, not too bad for such an impromptu hunt.

I guess that's it for me unless Chad or Hollis want to get together before the New Year.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Recovery Services Directory

Good morning everyone. Just browsing my favorite MD hot spots on the web tonight and came across two links I'd like to share with everyone... both my fellow hobbyists and those who may have lost something and are looking for help finding it.

The first is "The Ring Finders". This is a rather new website created by a Canadian detectorist who is striving to create an online service directory of those in the hobby willing to travel and offer their skill with their machines up to those in need. In most cases these are on reward basis upon actually finding the items, and maybe a little bit for gas depending on range. As a person in the hobby, I can attest that being able to find a lost item for someone, in many cases a ring, is definitely one of the high points. You really achieve a great sense of accomplishment and really helped put someone at ease.

The second is "Metal Detective USA". It's another site boasting pretty much the same thing. It has directories for most of the US and Canada.

So if you are someone who enjoys using your machine to help those in need, think about signing up with these sites to get your name out there to possible clients.

If you are a person hoping to find your lost ring, or other valuable metal item, please visit the sites listed above and contact someone in your area.

If you are in Hampton Roads, or... in the greater Denver area, feel free to leave a comment here if you are interested in my free recovery services.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Some New Items

Just a heads up on two new links I'm promoting these days. The first is for my new movie review blog, Sectshun8 Movie Reviews. The link is right there under my profile pic. -->

The next is a new MD Hobbyist forum that has opened up recently. I'm still a very active member at FMDF, but to help pass the time out on the boat I decided to expand my horizons to another forum where I know the Admins. It's a great alternative for those looking for a home outside of FMDF. You'll now see a link to the American Detectorist in the MD Links in the sidebar.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Aussies Scour Antartica with MD

A research team from Australia is using a heavy duty MD in efforts to locate a plane used by Australian explorer Sir Douglas Mawson in the early 1900s.

Read more HERE.

Photo by David London, Mawson's Huts Foundation

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

MD Found Silver Stash Sells in UK

A silver groat stash estimated to be from the late 1600s during the "War of the Roses" that was found by a MD enthusiast in the UK just sold for £29,000.

Read more HERE.

Ontario MD Hobbyist finds WWII Grenade

On the murky banks of the Otanabee River in the area seen above, a Petersborough, Ontario man unearthed an explosive find dating back from the second World War.

Read more HERE.

MD Enthusiasts and Historians Unite in York

Historians and metal detector enthusiasts believe they have found York’s first metal recycling center – dating back to 1066.

A ten-year project aimed at discovering the site of the battle of Fulford, which preceded the better known battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings, has uncovered more than 1,000 pieces of iron.

Read more HERE.