Friday, July 3, 2009

Coping With Mosquitoes

Recently over at FMDF I put up a question to all, to see what everyone in the hobby does to deal with all the mosquitoes that are out during this time of year. And I got quite a few responses, more than I could have hoped for. So I thought I'd share with you all many of the ways us hobbyists cope with those buzzing beasts.

Dryer Sheets - You know, those fabric softener dryer sheets you throw in? Apparently taking one, rubbing it on exposed skin, and then tucking it in like a shirt pocket or something really helps. Seems like a cheap fix, and one I'm going to give a test to next time I'm out.

Off! - Just the standard stuff. I've used this with moderate success. It definitely works for the first half hour or so, but if you didn't bring the can to re-apply, you're eff'd. Once you start sweating, them suckers know it's time to attack.

Onions/Garlic - No, not trying to keep away ex-wives or vampires, but apparently eating meals with lots of garlic and onions does the trick. When you sweat, your body produces a chemical in your own scent that mosquitoes don't like, so they just leave you alone. I say this is crap. I put onions and garlic in nearly everything I cook, and I get the crap bitten out of me.

Avon Skin-So-Soft - I've used it before, not much different then your average can of Off! Must be re-applied.

Off! Deep Woods - Apparently one of the best things out there in this category. Having a high DEET content, it's one of the most recommended products available.

Off! Clip-Ons - These are brand new, and if they work as advertised, they are the perfect solution. A few forum members have used them and have great reviews, and some online resources give the product good reviews as well. Can't wait to give this one a try!

Here's a link to Off!'s website offer for buying a Clip-On Starter kit and getting a FREE refill. And I stole this flash animation from their site for anyone interested in what it's all about. Enjoy!

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