Thursday, May 12, 2011

WWII US Dog Tags Returned from France

I came across this great story of some hobbyists in France who came across and were able to return the dog tag of a US WWII veteran. And believe it or not, I have connection. The vet was part of the US Army 94th Infantry. That unit, after WWII was redesignated a few times and eventully became the 94th RRC, which I served under while part of the 439th QM CO (PS) out of New Haven, CT.

"American World War II artifacts continue popping up in European fields and villages, but connecting them to the U.S. soldier who lost or left them there rarely happens. Unless, of course, the veteran's old family address is embossed on the artifact.

That's the case for Herb Schueler, 88, of Columbia, Illinois. He is a retired home builder who served in the U.S. Army 94th Infantry Division during World War II. He can't remember losing one of his two dog tags in the fall of 1944. But he did, and two French treasure hunters turned it up with a metal detector in the small village of Heric in northwest France about 15 miles from the town of Nantes."

Read more HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello Jimmy
I am George the person who wrote the article on this dog tag and found the GI SCHUELLER with the help of an American prospector Don MACKAY.
The inventor is my teammate eric.
Thank you to you to to be interested in this story and to publish your blog.
Good job.