"I'm not really angry, but slightly disappointed. Maybe someone can help me see that I shouldn't be. I traveled from Norfolk, VA to New Orleans, LA on Tuesday February 10th. Within the pages of a book I had packed in the middle of my checked baggage were 6 or 7 foreign currency bills. They were all worthless by US dollar standards, however they were meant to be a gift to a foreign coworker of mine.
Usually if my bag is ever searched by TSA (and for whatever reason, it happens more often than not, and I travel 20+ times a year) I see the little tag on the inside of my bag letting me know. Or maybe an orange sticker.
This time, no tag, but I did have the orange sticker. When I opened my bag is was obvious it was checked, because who gives a damn about stuff that's not your right? But I digress. Moral of the story is that the foreign currency was no longer in the book. Now how the eff does that happen? Must have been those baggage fairies huh? But in reality, TSA are the ones with the X-Ray machines to see the little metal strips in the money... within a book, in the middle of a bag. Your average luggage monkey doesn't do that.
Now, maybe I'm misinformed, an traveling with foreign money in your bag is against the law? However, if it were on my person no one would have batted an eye. It's not like I was flying outside the country, and the bills had a total value of less than $1 USD combined.
It's the principal I'm after here. I'm totally a TSA backer and understand why the agency exists, and as a Iraq War vet, I'm on your side.
But crap like this is what makes people hate you guys at the airport."
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