I had about 45 minutes to kill today whilst waiting for the g/f's brother and sister in law to make it over to pic up an old 80s era bunk bed set that has just been sitting in the closet for the better part of two years.So I figured what the hey, house is clean, I'm gonna hit up my trusty school.
So in those roughly 45 minutes, I dug 20 holes and pulled 20 coins... and honestly, no kidding, NO TRASH! I went back to an area of the school that has already brought me 100+ memorials and a few other coins. This time around I ran the X30 with the sens all the way up. Glad I did!
Again, mostly memorials, but I did score a 1929 Wheatie in great condition (unlike my four others that are severely corroded) as well as a BI-CEN Quarter. I haven't seen much of them lately. I know most are probably in private collections now, but I remember in the 80s these things were all over the place.
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