So having the new detector, and being curious about it's dual purpose use, I decided to take my new White's BHID 300 behind the house to Tallwood Elementary, where I usually hunt with my ACE 250 and X-Terra.
I went straight into the playground and was amazed at everything I was finding. Nearly everything you see pictured above, most likely has been there awhile, as I've hit the place up many, many times before.
This outting was really just a familiarization event. Learning how to ground balance, listening to the tones, and understanding what they mean in conjunction with the lights.
I've pretty much made it a rule of thumb to dig ALL Yellow and Green lighted signals. These generally identify any and all coins and/or jewelry. Accept for the pennies, and the one nail shown above, everything in that image was hitting as a Yellow light. Glad to see those nickels show up! Only 8 coins, 3 nickels and 5 pennies.
My initial thoughts of the BHID300 are that it's heavy, but balances very well on the arm. Not sure how deep it CAN go, but only found items up to 6". The lights and tones are much more difficult to read than VDI, but pretty accurate. Though the yellow light (Jewelry) is the most deceptive and you really never know what will come up when digging a Yellow signal. In the pic, everything was a Yellow light except the pennies, and the one nail (yes, the nickels came up as Yellow, not in Green for "coins") Depth is pretty easy to tell by the intensity of the beep.
I just hope it does well on the beach like everyone says.
Anyone else have insight into what finds match up with color?
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