Saturday, November 20, 2010

Couple MD'ing for 40+ Years

"In 1967, Bill Dickerson and a friend were eating lunch in the cafeteria at Ford Motor Company. They had read about 'diamonds as big as golf balls' in Arkansas and decided to hop on their motorcycles and ride to Murfreesboro, Ark.

Dickerson, 26 at the time, said he and his friend bought cheap metal detectors and traveled to Arkansas in search of diamonds. Soon thereafter, they traveled to Padre Island, Texas, in hopes of striking gold.

'They were finding gold coins from Spanish shipwrecks,' Dickerson said. 'We watched them dig up a Spanish ship but we didn’t find much. That’s what got us started, and I always sort of kept it up.'

These were just the first of many excursions for the Cridersville man. He and his wife, Lila, remain modern day treasure hunters today."

Read more HERE.

Image Credits: Jennifer Tangeman / Wapakoneta Daily News

Friday, November 19, 2010

TEEX Wounded Warrior UXO Demo

"Tyler Sloan's five-year career in the U.S. Army ended in 2006 when he was shot in the stomach by a sniper while patrolling in Mosul, Iraq.

He fell unconscious and woke up seven days later at Walter Reed Medical Center. His injuries included damaged nerves in his right leg, which caused him to lose feeling in his foot and eventually required its amputation.

That left him searching for a new job. He considered deep sea diving, underwater drilling and becoming a pilot, but none of them worked out."

Read more HERE.

Image Credits: TEEX

Thursday, November 18, 2010

UK Authorities Urge Hobbyist to Leave UXOs

Authorities across the UK are urging hobbyists throughout the country to leave any ordinacne found during your activities to leave it in the ground, and alert the proper officials by calling 999 and have them deal with it.

A recent rash of our hobby peers have been coming into police stations with hands or bags full of firearm rouds, and even things like grenades seeing disposal.

Here are a couple recent articles about the issue:
Article 1
Article 2

Virginia Boy Finds Civil War Sabre

"It's truly the gift that keeps on giving.

A week after receiving a metal detector for his seventh birthday, Lucas Hall's gift is already paying dividends for the first-grader.

While metal detecting with his father, Gary, on private property outside Berryville, Lucas had a feeling the two needed to stop and look.

His hunch paid off."

Read more HERE.
Another great article HERE.

Image Credits: Scott Mason/The Winchester Star

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Decades Old Champiosnhip Ring Found

"It's a mystery that begins in one of the prettiest places in all of Texas, along the Blanco River in Wimberley.

That's where Brad Bieler of Forney was last August, killing time with his kids and his metal detector.

'This gives me something to do while I'm watching them,' he explained."

Read more HERE.

Image Credits: WFAA

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

3yr Old Scores $3.8Mil Treasure

"If James Hyatt was old enough to understand the concept, his family would tell him he is blessed with beginner’s luck.

The three-year-old was minutes into his first ever attempt at metal detecting when he found a gold locket potentially worth £2.5million.

He had just been passed the device at a field in Hockley, Essex, when it began to buzz.

Buried 8in below was a reliquary."

Read more HERE.

Is this kid 3 or 4, I mean is that hard... all the news about it no one can decide???

Iowa Men Charged in Relic Hunt

"Two men have been accused of relic hunting at the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site in West Branch.

According to a press release, a park ranger caught two men using metal detectors and digging in the park on Nov. 9. The two men, Joseph B. Evans, 44, of Cedar Rapids and James B. Henricks, 45, of Solon, were cited for possessing and using metal detectors on federal land, which is a violation of federal law."

Read more HERE.

Be sure to check out the article comments :/

Another article HERE.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Medievil Seal Holds Roman Jewel

"An amateur enthusiast has unearthed a mysterious treasure said to bear inscriptions from a forgotten medieval code.

Ivor Miller’s find is thought to be a medieval silver seal containing a Roman-era jewel and engraved with as-yet undeciphered lettering.

Some have speculated a medieval farm labourer may have found the Roman jewel, a semi-precious stone, and handed it to their noble or lord, who placed it into their correspondence seal."

Read more HERE.

Image Credits: The Northern Echo

Friday, November 12, 2010

Russian "Black Diggers" Hitting Historical Sites

Translated Text

"'In recent years they have been invaded by dozens of ancient tombs and forts, has become involved in and our republic. Most often, looters take interesting decorations, medieval coins, and those things which in their opinion less valuable - they throw. It implements, household some things. And the worst - broken statue. Lose information that could pull out.'- said the deputy director of the main activities of Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve of Udmurtia, Idnakar Andrew Kirillov.

They usually have diggers 'in service' excellent metal detectors that can see the precious metals in the soil to a depth of a meter. Does not care about history, looters take out all the values of the most barbaric ways. There were cases and digging shovels. In this case, none of the perpetrators not only delay, but to punish so far failed."

Read original article in Russian HERE.
Translated article available HERE.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

GPAA Members Hunt Private Land

"About 35 metal detecting enthusiasts took over the private grounds of the Louis Wolf property in Temecula on Sunday to search for artifacts.

Each made sure their headphones were snug and their knee pads secure before staking out a small area to explore with metal detectors.

Members from two local chapters of the Gold Prospectors Association of America were excited for the opportunity to search the area that was once the hub of the Temecula area in the mid-1800s."

Read more HERE.

Image credits: Diane A. Rhodes / Special to The Press-Enterprise

Monday, November 8, 2010

Metal Detector for Christmas

"If the stars are aligned in my favor, I plan on being quite eccentric when I am a great-grandmother.

I have long loved the book, “When I am an Old Woman,” but I don’t plan on wearing a red hat with a purple dress. And I am certainly not going to spit on sidewalks.

I will mind my manners and try to do something noteworthy. Something to better the lot of my fellow man.

But I also want to reach for those stars and turn into an adventurer."

Read more HERE.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Caudwell Estate Hit, Authorities Scour with MDs

"One of Britain’s richest men was left bloodied and bruised after being attacked with a crowbar during a robbery at his £7.5million home.

Mobile phone tycoon John ­Caudwell – who is worth £1.3billion – was bound and gagged by the masked intruders.

After assaulting Mr Caudwell, the gang allegedly turned on his glamorous fiancee, former model Claire Johnson, during the raid at 50-bedroom Broughton Hall on Monday evening."

Read more HERE.

Image Credits:

Fake Coin Sale to Fund College Degree

"A unique Roman coin found by a metal detector was made by an ancient ‘Del Boy’ forger who could not spell and did not know his emperors.

The silver denarius, an average day's pay for a Roman worker, was modelled on coins struck to commemorate the Battle of Actium of 31 BC.

The famous battle saw the combined forces of Roman General Mark Antony and Egyptian Queen Cleopatra defeated by Octavian, who went on to rule as Emperor Augustus."

Read more HERE.

Image Credits: John Connor / Press Associates Ltd.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lovewell Lake Ring Retrieval

"When Dale Baumbach lost his class ring from Superior High School 39 years ago at Lovewell Lake, he was pretty sure he would never see it again.

An interesting turn of events proved him wrong.

On Father’s Day in 1971 Baumbach was at Lovewell Lake, approximately seven miles south of Superior where he lived at the time and attended high school. He lost his ring while playing football in the lake with friends from Superior and Republic."

Read more HERE.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clad for Kids 2010

It's that time of the year folks. The time when families come together and be thankful for each other and what they have. The time when gift giving is as much a part of the season as the warmth of an open fire.

Unfortunately, there are those out there, that due to a single, or combination or circumstances, cannot provide for the ones they care about and will most likely awake to understanding, yet disappointed faces come Christmas morning.

In 2009, a hobby peer of ours sparked a wonderful movement to turn that despair into joyous smiles and endearing embraces for a number of families in his rural Ohio community.

With a great personal effort, and with the help of fellow hobbyists like yourselves, he was able to raise over $600 and provide new clothing, toys and gas cards to a handful of needy families.

Please join Jimmy's MD Blog in donating all, or a portion of your 2010 clad finds to the 2010 Clad for Kids charity, hosted by Brian Duvall.

Click the button below or the one in the sidebar to donate. You can also contact me for mailing information if you do not wish to use PayPal to send your donation.

And here are a few pics of items purchased from last year's donations :)



Monday, November 1, 2010

Bronze Age Finds Brings Together Hobbyists and Archeologists

"A hoard of 3,000-year-old Bronze Age artifacts including axe heads and spear tips has been unearthed in a field in Essex, England, archaeologists said.

Archaeologists also found an intact pottery container with heavy contents and removed it from the dig site undisturbed and unopened for later analysis, the BBC reported Sunday.

The finds, taken to a local museum for examination, will offer new insights into Bronze Age Britain, experts said."

Read more as well as watch the video HERE.

Image credits: BBC