On this rather warm evening, I head over to Grace Lutheran off of Providence in Chesapeake. They have a small tot lot behind the church I felt could use a good cleaning up. When I arrived at around 730p I was surprised to see the parking lot full, the fields teaming with activity and the tot lot, loaded with little ones.
I was instantly discouraged. To pass the time, I drove across the street over to Georgetown Primary School. That was a bust. The playgrounds there had nothing to give. I ended up going to WaWa for some energy drinks and candy and returned to the church around 930p, just in time to see the last remnants of people leaving, which happened to be a group of Boy Scouts. You can see from the image there were plenty of targets to dig, so I'll give you a quick rundown.
4 x Buttons
1 x House Key
1 x "0M 03" VEPCO Plate (Virgina Electric Power Co.)
2 x Quarters
5 x Dimes
3 x Nickels (one a 1956, my new oldest coin! yay)
26 x Pennies
1 x Hoop Earring of unknown makeup
1 x Sterling Silver Crucifix1 x Sheep/Ram with Rising Sun pin
+ Lots of trash!!!

The sheep pin, after looking up many different combinations of Sheep and Starburst etc., I have settled on it being a "Lamb of God" pin, with the lamb laying in a field with the sun rising in the background.

I did actually happen to stop at this site the night prior, but had to shit so bad I couldn't bring myself to stay and dig. So it was very little to bring back, but it gave me a taste and told me this place would be good to hunt. This image shows the meager digs from that night.
All in all, $1.73 in clad from the church.